Humanities reinforce excellent literacy and numeracy skills within the framework of an exciting and accessible curriculum. We support and challenge the young people in our department and have high expectations for them.

Find a list of the Teaching Staff for Humanities Faculty.

The Humanities Faculty in Whitburn Academy offers the following subjects:

Business Education

The Business Education Department teaches the following courses:

S1 and S2 Social Studies

Through Social Studies we help young people to develop their understanding of the world and learn about other people and their values in different times places and circumstances.


Geography allows learners to consider the physical environment around them and the ways in which people interact with this environment.


In the History Department, pupils develop their writing, debating and analytical skills - this is very useful in the job market after school.

Modern Studies

Modern Studies is an exciting, relevant and constantly evolving subject. It prepares them to play an active role in contemporary society by developing a political literacy that will inform decision making.

Religious, Moral And Philosophical Studies

Dare you think? This has been one of great calls to intellectual arms across the centuries. In ancient Greece Socrates refused to accept superficiality and Plato called us to leave the cave of convention. Later, the Enlightenment thinkers, such as the great Scottish philosopher David Hume, promoted reason and looked for verification of accepted 'truths'.


Our students are developing an awareness of Society through learning about theories and concepts that underpin our understanding of the world around us.