08 February
SGS Oscars

The animations were made over a few months in their weekly computing class and the pupils made an absolutely fantastic effort to produce their animations.

The pupils built their own sets within a cardboard box and painted them before making characters and props from Lego and Plasticine. They then took loads of photos of their characters making small movements using flip cams (with 12 photos needed to make 1 second of footage).   Once the photos were taken for each section, our IT/AV Technician put it together using video editing software, then once complete, he added some titles, music and some special effects! 

The three animations created were: 'The Adventures of Toady the Toadstool', 'Boggo tries to relax' and 'Shrek's Bottom!'

The invited guests who came to watch the finished animations included some staff and parents/ carers of the pupils and all of them agreed that the animations were fantastic!

A huge thanks must go to Mrs Paterson, Mrs Williams, Miss Fowler, Miss Campbell (Computing Teacher) and Mr Hawthorn (IT/AV Technician) for all the support they gave to help the pupils make their animations!

Toady the Toadstool
Boggo and Boe
Shrek's Bottom
The set for Toady the ToadstoolThe set for Boggo Tries to RelaxThe set for Shrek's Bottom!