28 March
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All students sitting exams that begin and end within the normal school time will be expected to either make use of the school transport provided or make their own arrangements to get to and from the exams they are sitting.

West Lothian Council will provide additional school transport for exams for students who have an entitlement to free school transport. This is where an exam falls on a day when transport to and from school would not otherwise be provided (including local holidays and in-service days) or where an exam finishes after the normal school time. There are some Friday afternoons when exams are on and please be aware N5 and AH English exams are on the in-service day, Tuesday 7th May. The Computing exams are on Monday 20th May which is a local holiday.

Students must register for this transport during the exam period. All info and the registration form are available at this link: https://www.westlothian.gov.uk/schoolexamtransport (opens new window)